Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Configuration store servers are not listed in Directory Configuration

I was working on an Open Identity Stack (OpenAM, OpenDJ, OpenIDM) project and OpenAM 12.0.1 was installed.

When verifying my configuration, I hit into OPENAM-6499 - Configuration store servers are not listed in Directory Configuration.

So, this was caused by a recently introduced new feature - Object Deserialisation Class Whitelist. The workaround was mentioned in the bugster.

Workaround is to add the following to the openam.deserialisation.classes.whitelist
Configuration -> Servers and Sites -> Default Server Settings -> Security -> Object Deserialisation Class Whitelist

Now, customer wanted scripted installation and configuration, so I was using SSO Administration Tool as much as I could. So, I went ahead to add the 4 classes into the whitelist ... 1 at a time.

But as soon as I keyed in the 1st class and tried to navigate around OpenAM Console, I hit into Invalid URL error.

I fired up OpenDJ and realised the default list of classes that shipped with OpenAM 12.0.1 was gone. The ssoadm command override the old values! (Need to be careful next time)

Luckily I always have backups! So, the 4 classes had to be appended to the existing list of classes like the following.

But .... it became worse ... the whitelist is now empty!

 So I realized $ sign had to be "escaped" ... aka prefixed with a backward slash.

After this, the configuration store servers finally shown up!

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